Sunday, June 19, 2011

Well I’m not the best blogger

Well, writing wasn’t one of my strong points in school, but in college Photography was. That’s what the last post was about; I understand that photography is a very competitive field to get into and the program in that post is from someone who is basically showing you how to get ahead at a fraction of the cost to go to college and learn from someone who didn’t even apply what they learned in the real world. She did and learned from her mistakes and is willing to show you through weekly assignments to not have to learn from costly mistakes or to go through these supposed “stock photo” websites that will only pay you maybe $.25 per download.

Yea, you saw correctly a quarter per download, not per use. That means if you upload your picture of those wood ducks you took when you were at the lake, you’ll only get 25 cents for someone to download it and be able to use it thousands of times. To me I would rather be paid per use then per download.

Anyway, I checked it out and for the money you’re getting a great deal, especially since she works in the real world not out of a classroom. Don’t get me wrong the world needs teachers, but I think that the college level teachers and up, should either have held a job in their field of study, or currently have one. I mean if you what to have a million dollars at retirement, wouldn’t it be smart to have a financial advisor who has made a million dollars and no degree, then one who only has $25,000 and a masters degree? I would want to learn from the millionaire.

Well, off to prepare for my week at work. Have a fun (I mean that sarcastically) week. Sayalp is getting ridiculous; they said that I can’t even mention I work for them here, so I spelled their name backwards to see what happens.

Here is the link to the photography course;
Good luck.

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