Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Need some help, PLEASE!!!

This picture was taken last week; he was learning his new surroundings, a barn stall.
Well, little Don Quijote is really a mess. Not only was the little guy born blind, but now has a serious infection in both eyes. He needs medication every hour which doesn't leave me or the Davidson's much time for the other horses.

If you can volunteer and hour or so to help take care of the others it would be much appreciated. Right now, we're trying to get rid of the infection so he can have surgery to remove both eyes so this doesn't happen again. He is being a real trooper and for only being a week old is fighting this. When all this is over he'll be like all the other horses, a therapy horse. We have seen how these little horses inspire patients to get better, and this little guy will be no different.

We have groups that we go to and some that come to the ranch to visit. If you would like to help, or to donate, donations are tax deductable, contact Alicia Davidson at Alicia@minidreamsllc.com or go to the site www.dmdheartsandhooves.org to learn more. We could use all the help we can get at this point. With love and care, we expect him to pull through.

Thought this might of interest...

Pricebenders WOW: $50 ExxonMobil Gas Cards (2) (reg. $100) for $6.19! (Could've been YOURS for $6.20!) www.tripleclicks.com/10257811/pbwin

These auctions go on everyday and you can find some really great deals, just like the one above.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

It’s been busy around here!

I've been really busy as of late and there's proof, too!
DMD Ranch owed by the Davidson's has had 6 foals born in the last three months and it's not over, as they still have at least one more that I know of…but there have been surprises. J If you go to facebook and look up DMD Hearts and Hooves you'll find that there are pictures of all the foals but one. We haven't posted Don Quijote's pictures yet, or at least I haven't. LOL, but give me some time and I will.

Well, time to get ready for another week of fun with the mini's. If anyone reading this wants to know more about DMD Hearts and Hooves then you can go to http://www.DMDheartsandhooves.org to learn more about this great organization.